Tuesday, October 14, 2014

John was off of the ventilator for 1hr 10 minutes earlier. He did well off of it and had good oxygen levels. Then he was off again for 30 minutes during a swallow study…..WHICH HE PASSED!!! He is now allowed to drink whatever he wants, he can have smoothies, milkshakes, mashed potatoes, yogurts, pudding, and other soft foods like spaghetti and meat sauce!

His temperature has finally started coming down yesterday and today. They are going to keep him on the same antibiotics as before which are more wide range just to make sure they get rid of all infection in the bed sore.

4 thoughts on “Tuesday, October 14, 2014

  1. John Gross

    Really great news! Small steps eventually add up to giant steps. I’m really happy to hear that you can have solid food again. Don’t pig out too much though. If you are going to be in Slidell for a while I will fly back down to see you. ♡ Dad

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